Friday, June 13, 2008

Close Encounters of the Fox Kind

If you understood the allusion in the title: Get a life.  
The creation of the blog indicates exactly how self-centered our culture has become.  There is nothing more narcissistic than arbitrarily assuming that the whole world wants to read about one's pathetic little life.  Hence, I am embracing the blogging culture whole-heartedly.  I honestly don't care if people actually want to read this, or not.  I'm just incredibly bored.
For those of you wondering what the title means (having understood the allusion; I assume anybody reading a blog has no life), it is reference to the wonderful experience I had today involving foxes.  Last Saturday, two of my friends and I saw four foxes.  They were about a hundred feet away from us at all times, but it was still pretty cool because they were FOXES, and I had never seen them up close like that before.  They didn't even try to run away when we called to them (at first I mistook one for a corgi.  She was sitting down!).  Today I went down to the same park and saw (I assume) the same foxes.  Only this time, there were five.  FIVE.  I decided to see how close I could get to them, so I started off across the baseball green.  The vixen (or the assumed vixen) would stop and stare at me every-so-often, so I would stop and sit down to calm her fears.  Once she seemed comfortable again, I would get up and move until she tensed.  She had a little kit that stayed with her, but all the rest left after about five minutes.  I don't blame them.  There were screaming kids playing baseball.  I wanted to bolt as well.  Finally, the kit got so curious about me that he decided to check me out.  He came within at least twenty feet, before sluicing (I love that word!) back into the undergrowth.  I sat with them for at least a half an hour before they got bored and left.  It was pretty awesome, though!
Now see how bored you've become?  That's why blogging is so fun for me.  I can cause undue pain to people I will never meet.  Huzzah!

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