Monday, July 7, 2008


Is interesting. It's supposeed to be this big thing, where all these famous writers wrote their best work, but I just can't concentrate. Maybe it's the new environment. Maybe it's the awesome people. Maybe it's the fact that I'm dead tired. Who knows? I have started this really weird story that's going nowhere. It's about a guy who killed his wife and daughter, and then hangs himself. I don't know how I came up with that. Blah. Yawn. I really liked the Duck's song. I think that can relate to a lot of people. I mean A LOT. Like, every country singer ever. They're always crying their hearts out over so-and-so. They seldom have happy songs. I wonder why? With pop, it's more of a balance: some happy, some sad. Maybe all country songs are depressing because country itself is depressing. It sure depresses me. Sorry, Horse, if you are reading this. I know you love country music. That's just your preference. I'd take it over rap any day. I'd rather have hang-youself-music than I'm-going-to-hang-you-then-rape-your-mother-music. Okay, I'm done. You're all probably centering your sniper rifles on me by now. Auf Wiedersehen!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

that song wasn't necessarily meant to be country, but it might make more sense once you hear it.
I hope your class is going well. It sounds uber fun. Feel free to show me anything you come up with that you'd feel comfortable with me seeing!